Foundation Direct, a new technology and consulting company offering Automotive marketers an industry-leading option to take control of their digital advertising strategy by going direct to the largest digital media companies, today announced the appointment of Ashley Lepczyk as their Chief Operating Officer. Ashley joins Foundation Direct after 12 years at Google, where she worked on Automotive both in the US and globally. 10:30:202020-01-16 16:54:46Foundation Snags Long-Time Googler As COO To Accelerate New "Go Direct" Model
Two former Google employees, both with extensive experience in the Automotive space, have recently left the tech giant to launch Foundation Direct, an industry-leading option for Automotive marketers to take control of their digital advertising strategy by going direct to the largest digital media companies. 12:02:132020-01-16 17:24:24Two Former Googlers Disrupt Conventional Agency Model With New "Go Direct" Solution
Foundation Snags Long-Time Googler As COO To Accelerate New “Go Direct” Model
/in News /by foundation01Foundation Direct, a new technology and consulting company offering Automotive marketers an industry-leading option to take control of their digital advertising strategy by going direct to the largest digital media companies, today announced the appointment of Ashley Lepczyk as their Chief Operating Officer. Ashley joins Foundation Direct after 12 years at Google, where she worked on Automotive both in the US and globally.
Two Former Googlers Disrupt Conventional Agency Model With New “Go Direct” Solution
/in News /by foundation01Two former Google employees, both with extensive experience in the Automotive space, have recently left the tech giant to launch Foundation Direct, an industry-leading option for Automotive marketers to take control of their digital advertising strategy by going direct to the largest digital media companies.